The dual growth mindset

Previous research into the growth mindset has mainly focused on the benefits of a growth mindset regarding one's own abilities and traits. In a new paper, Justin Berg et al. (2022) argue for a dual growth mindset.

The dual growth mindset 

Berg et al (2022) introduce the concept of the dual growth mindset. It considers both one's own abilities and characteristics and the job we do as mutable. The authors call the former a self-growth mindset, the latter a job-growth mindset. These authors argue that this dual growth mindset is a foundation for lasting happiness for workers. They think that a single growth mindset (about yourself or about your job) does not provide this. 

Two experiments 

To test this expectation, the authors conducted two two experimental studies: a quasi-experiment in a Fortune 500 technology company and a controlled experiment with employees in various organizations and professions. In study 1, employees participated in one of three mindset workshops: self, job, or dual. The researchers collected observer ratings of happiness from the participants' managers and colleagues at three time points: pretest, 6 weeks after, and 6 months after. 

Study 1: only dualgrowth mindset leads to sustainable growth happiness 

The chart below shows the findings from the first study:

Study 2: only the dual growth mindset endures

Study 2 was a repeat of Study 1 with some changes (including random assignment to conditions). As can be seen from the chart below, the dual growth mindset persisted over the longer term, but the two single growth mindsets did not. 
In addition, study 2 also showed that only the dual growth mindset led to a sustainable growth of employee happiness. 


In the two experiments, fostering a dual growth mindset produced improvements in self-reported and observer-rated happiness that lasted for at least 6 months. 
Fostering a growth mindset about either the self or the job alone did not generate a lasting increase in happiness. Additional mediation analyzes suggest that a dual growth mindset increased happiness by enabling employees to plan more substantial job crafting.
