
Showing posts from May, 2024

Survey: nutrition and arguments for veganism

Survey: nutrition and arguments for veganism

Parental autonomy support, basic needs, and self-esteem

Understanding the dynamics between parenting styles and children's psychological development is important. A new study by Chen et al. (2024) examines the relationship between parental autonomy support, basic psychological needs, and the self-esteem of Chinese primary school students. Through an extensive cross-sectional analysis, the study examines how autonomy support influences children's self-image.

Asking for meaningful progress in job interviews

Last week I met Dick Wever in a session on progress-focused working. He is a team leader at an educational institution, and he said he recently interviewed applicants for his school. He was not completely satisfied with the approach to the job interviews as they were conducted at school. That is why he tried out a new, progress-focused question in the interviews: the question of what meaningful progress the applicant had recently made. I didn't have much time to ask more about his experiences, but I found it so interesting that I kept thinking about it.

Enabling learning from mistakes

During a recent training, in which we covered the topic of mindset, a participant came up to me afterwards. He said: “You just talked about 'learning from mistakes' but can we really learn from mistakes?”. He referred to a book that stated that it is difficult to learn from mistakes (that was this book ). Coincidentally, a n ew article has just been published by the same author, Ayelet Fishbach, together with Ryan Carlson. In this article, the authors explore the psychology behind failure and learning from it. The article offers interesting insights for anyone interested in personal development, education, or management. Below I will discuss the main themes of the article.