The learning and performing model

After I wrote this post I talked to several people about the importance of making the distinction between learning and performing. Most people I talked to found this distinction interesting and valuable and were interested in the three phases I mention: the preparation phase, the execution phase, and the reflection phase. Generally, people found these stages useful and they said they would like to pay more attention to preparation and reflection.

The learning and performing model

To support this I have made a simple tool which reflects those three phases. For each phase I have written down five bullet points. In the execution phases there are five points of attention to get the most out of your performance. In the preparation and the reflection phase there are five questions which you can use. The figure below show this tool.

Suggestion: try and evaluate

If you want to you can try and use this model. You can do this by choosing a task which is important to you in your work and which you think you can or should learn more about or get better at.  My suggestion is to print the model. Start wherever you like (preparation, execution, reflection). Choose a starting point and walk through the bullets one by one. Take notes while you do this. Walk through the complete cycle at least one time but preferably multiple times. After you have done this write down if the exercise was useful to you, and if yes, how. I'd be interested to hear what you experiences were and perhaps what your suggestions are. You can send them to
