
Showing posts from April, 2023

The thought gap: we think more about each other than we think

Human interactions are complex and often characterized by misunderstandings and misinterpretations. A well-known phenomenon is the liking gap , which is the phenomenon that we tend to underestimate how much others like us. This can lead to unnecessary feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. In this article, I discuss a related concept, the thought gap, based on an article by Cooney et al. (2021) . What is the thought gap, and what does it mean for our daily lives and professional interactions?

The power of continuity in organizational change

I read about an interesting approach to organizational change that fits well with progress-focused working and that emphasizes continuity in organizational change.

Top 6 Most Harmful Beliefs

I have previously written about how irrational beliefs can be harmful  and also how they can be difficult to change due to some systemic and psychological obstacles . But beliefs can change and believing they cannot change can cause us to stop talking honestly about our beliefs, creating polarization and making progress more difficult. With that in mind, here I am sharing my top 6 harmful beliefs plus a brief explanation of why they are so dangerous in my eyes. Hopefully, these thoughts will provoke further reflection.

The essence of meaningful work: making a positive contribution

Work occupies a central place in our lives, not only because it provides a livelihood, but also because it can be a source of personal fulfillment and social recognition. Meaningful work contributes to our general well-being and can have a significant impact on our mental health. In this article I discuss a new paper by the Finnish psychologist and philosopher Frank Martela about what is now the core of meaning in work.

Controlling leadership does not work, read how it can be done differently

Last week, three people told me that they had considered resigning, in all cases because of a controlling management style of their supervisor. The first person shared that his boss was blunt and then claimed that as a manager you just have to be “a bit of a jerk”. The second person described how his supervisor was constantly coercive, controlling and suspicious to the frustration of several people on the team. The third person complained that her supervisor did not involve her and her colleagues in important decisions and always presented them with fait accomplis. Although they had not finally decided to resign, all three of them were seriously considering it.

Communicating more effectively with SSG: succinct, specific and generous

I came across an interesting article on Fast Company. The article explains the so-called SSG method for effective communication , developed by David Rock , co-founder of the NeuroLeadership Institute. Rock focuses on applying neuroscientific insights to leadership and organizational development. He has authored several books, including Your Brain at Work and Quiet Leadership, and is a pioneer in the field of neuroscience and leadership.